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Employees/Crew members. People to work for Greevs in his massive reign along The Aetherized, his airship. He is also looking for a variety of different things; ranging from peddlers, smugglers, hired muscle to throw off any unlikely competition, and entertainers. He does not need to hire anyone for transportation of wares. Other sky pirates, airship companies. These can either be enemies or people to alliance with in the future. Black Markets. Shady individuals to invest within the markets. Have connections to the darker worlds? |
Doctors, herbalists, and other medical personal skilled in these origins. Greevs is a little sickly due to some extensive lung damage he obtained in his younger years. He typically needs to find people willing on assisting in this struggle from time to time. Musically talented people, songbirds, instrument players, and bards. All performers. As a man who loves everything about fancy plays, dances, and music, its only natural for him to be on the lookout for these lovely talents. Tailors, other magitek engineers, or general people to do frequent business with. He’s often always on the hunt for clothing, and other objects. This can range from antiques to acquiring parts for his vessel. |
Always | Sometimes | Maybe | Never |